Friday, June 6, 2014

Dear Quinn

My dearest Quinn,

You are such a joy to watch grow up.  You love to sing everything.  You memorize books after hearing them just a few times and love to retell the stories to us.  You can even remember the author's names of some of your books and you know what the author does.  (Today we went to Barnes and Noble on the Plaza and you asked for me to find you a book by Dr. Seuss.) You ask questions about what things are, what things say, what things do.  You are curious, smart, and you pay attention to the world around you- although sometimes to are paying so much attention to all that's going on that you don't watch where you are going and run into people or things. :) 

You are sweet.  You take more initiative in showing affection.  You pucker your lips out at me when you want a kiss.  You sometimes say "I love you" first.  You ask to snuggle with me in bed in the mornings.  You say "but I will miss you!" if I go to the grocery store without you after Daddy gets home.  You call me "Momma".

You seem to excel "academically" but you have not shown much interest in art- like drawing, painting, writing, etc. or with athletics- like throwing, kicking.  You enjoy these things but your attention for them does not last long and these are not activities you ask to do.  You always want to read, sing, dance, pretend, talk.  You have started to want to ride your bike more.  I got you a $3 bike with training wheels and a helmet that has been easier for you to ride then your trike.

You are still a little rough with your brother sometimes.  You can be sneaky.  You try to negotiate instead of just obeying- which is both amazing and frustrating.  You have been fighting bed time every night and having more tantrums throughout the day.  You get frustrated easily and scream... kind of like your Aunt Chrissy and me.  Reminding you to stop, take a deep breath and "blow out the candles" has been helping.

Sometimes I can't believe you are just a toddler.  You look so grown up with your long hair and sound so grown up with your long sentences.  And at the same time, I can not believe you will be three in just under two months and starting preschool in the fall.  It will be the beginning of your journey through school.  I am sad and scared, not about preschool but of all that comes in the years of school to follow, and how this begins your transition from fully in my arms to completely on your own.  It makes me want to hold you all the more closely and home school.  :) 

I love you dearly.  You are my favorite girl.  You are beautiful inside and out.


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