Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hiccups- 28 weeks

Baby boy! you just had hiccups for the first time :). Daddy and Aunt Chrissy got to feel them too.  Your sister is too wiggly to keep her hand on my belly for too long so I don't think she's noticed your momements yet. But she loves to give you kisses and hugs and talk to you.  We all love you so much and are excited to meet you!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Quinn's Birthday Weekend

We started out your birthday celebration on Friday morning.  Even though it was the day before your birthday I took your birthday morning pictures bc I knew we would be out of town the next day.  So here is my adorable little almost 2-yr-old:

Then at 10am I threw you a little BFF Pool Birthday Bash with Bree, Josie & Kannon, Stephanie, Caleb & Abbey, and Alicia & Jude (who ended up not being able to come at the last minute bc Jude's cousin was born, yay!).  I was sad that Jude and Alicia weren't there to celebrate but you didn't forget about them and said Jude's name several times, hopefully we will see him soon bc I think you kind of miss your buddy.  Anyway, it was a great little party with your closest friends.  You all got along really well.  You had a blast in your knew pool (that I got off Craigslist just in time for the party), you ate lots of yummy food for lunch, and you devoured the yogurt&fruit popsicles that I made for dessert.   It was a beautiful hot and sunny morning.

We had PB, PB&J, fruit galore, wheat thins, cheese, hummus, chicken salad, rolls, pita, 
water and lemonade.

Friday evening we packed up and went to Springfield.  Saturday we went to the lake with Mommy, Daddy, Gma, Gpa, Uncle Mitchell, Alyse, Aunt Paige, and Matt!  It was a fun day and you LOVED the water and the boat.  You loved "swimming" around from one family member to another and even practiced blowing bubbles in the water.  You are such a brave girl. 

We rode the boat around and some of the family went water skiing.  You would watching them intently and then every time we'd circle around to them (after they fell in the water) you would say "Hi ____ " in this soft sweet little voice.  When Aunt Paige was skiing you grew concerned and kept saying "Aunt Paige, get out of water!" :)

On Sunday we had a little BBQ with the rest of the extended family.  

Here are some fun presents that you got:

 a package from Papa Bill and Mema Wendy.... zoo animal luggage and lunch box!  your favorite!

coloring pad from Josie!

your first bike from Mema and Pepa!  
just a tiny bit too big but I'm sure you'll grow into it soon :)