Monday, July 22, 2013


Dear Quinn,

*Sigh* my little girl is growing up so fast!  You turned 2 years old on Saturday!  I can't believe it.  I also can't believe it every time I look in the mirror and realize that baby brother will be here in less then 3 months!  In two short years you came into our lives and changed us forever- you cried, nursed, crawled, ate real food, had a birthday, walked, talked, potty trained and soon will be a big sister.  It's amazing how quickly life moves and changes.  I've loved every stage of it, the tears and joys, watching you grow and learn, it's the most incredible experience I've ever had and get to continue to have and start again with a new little person.  God is so good.

Here are you stats at 2 years old: (to be filled in after your dr. appt.)

height: 32 1/4"
weight: 21.9

You know all your colors, you can count to 10 by yourself and can almost count to 20 by yourself, you know the whole ABC song by yourself, you are in the process of learning your shapes.  You know soooo many different animals, their sounds, body parts, etc. from peacocks to baboons to puffins.  Your favorite animals are hippos, polar bears, giraffes, zebras, peacocks, penguins . . . okay maybe you love them all.  Your favorite songs are ABCs, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and Wheels on the Bus.  You love your Dino O'Dell CDs and especially love the song "Easy Ryder" on your Ralph's World CD.

Our current bedtime routine is Daddy sometimes gives you a bath, then brush teeth, then read books, then go potty.  Then you turn on your sound machine and I come in to rock you and we sing ABCs, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Wheels on the Bus- the wheels, the puppies, the horn, and the mommies verses.  Then I put you in your crib and cover you with a blanket and you ask me to pat your back, then you flip over and ask me to pat your belly.  You are a funny girl.

You LOVE babies.  You love to pretend and do grown up stuff all by your "self".  Many days are now filled with you saying "self! self!".  You get very upset if we do something for you when you wanted to do it.  We try to be patient and give you the time that you need to do things by yourself and figure things out, and we try to wait until you ask for help to step in.  You usually do a great job and I love watching you become more and more independent.  Sometimes we are in a hurry or you are getting frustrated and we can't let you do things by yourself.  When this happens you might have a tantrum but we are working on explaining to you that sometimes it's okay for Mommy or Daddy to help you.  (Especially if we are in a public restroom and you physically can not reach the soap, paper towels, etc.  :)

You love to pick out your clothes and shoes.  The other day you went into your room, opened your shoe drawer, picked out a matching pair, put them on the correct feet, and velcroed them, then came back into Mommy and Daddy's room to show us- we were shocked!

You love to play with your babies.  You like to feed them, you love to wipe their bottoms with wet wipes and talk about how they went poo-poo, you love to put them on the potty and praise them for going pee-pee ("Oh good job Margaret!"), you love to put baby brother's diapers on baby Margaret.  A couple weeks ago you came to me with baby Margaret and said out of nowhere "baby brother's diaper, baby Margaret?" so I gave you one diaper and told you not to put it in the trash and gave you two wipes in a wipe container to reuse.  You will be SUCH a great big sister and so "helpful" I'm sure.  :)  You love to kiss baby brother, to hug him, and say hi to him- I have no idea how much you really understand of this but one thing is clear- you are already in love with this little boy just like we are.

 You painted this beautiful picture for baby brother's room:

You are still the friendliest person I know.  You say, "Oh Hi Daddy!"  "Oh Hi Mommy!"  "Oh Hi Ozark!"  "Oh Hi Bosco!"  "Oh Hi Me-Ma!"  "Oh Hi people!"  You love to give everyone hugs and kisses or blow them a kiss if they are too far away.  When someone is leaving you say "Oh! Hug?  Oh! Kiss?"  When we leave an animal at the zoo you blow them a kiss too.  You are so so sweet.  I pray that you stay this way forever and don't let the unfriendly or mean people and bad things in the world take that away from you.

So anyways my little 2-year-old- I love you more than words can say, you are my favorite in the whole wide world, every day you amaze me and steal my heart a little more.  You are the goodness of God towards me; I pray that I can be the same for you.  I know I will make mistakes.  My motherhood is imperfect.  But we serve a perfect God who will carry us.  Together we will learn about His redemptive power, the gospel that rescues us both, this narrative of grace.  I am excited to be on this journey with you, beautiful daughter.

Happy Birthday.


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