Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dear Quinn... 26 months old

Dear Quinn,

Sunday morning we woke up with no power so we decided to go to breakfast and to the later church service.  So after eating we were still early for church and decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood.  You saw your imaginary alligator friend and bent down to say "hiiiii alligator, walk? yes?, ok!"  So alligator went on a walk with us.  We fed him acorns and a few times he went really fast down the sidewalk so you had to run after him to catch him and hold him, and hug and kiss him of course.  It was a fun morning.  You crack us up sweet girl.

You've also been asking me to sing "Joy King" to you at night, which is referring to a worship song that Daddy always used to sing to you (below).  You know a lot of the words and lay across my lap, around my big belly, while I rock you singing along to the parts you know or repeating them as I sing.  I know God's heart is filled with joy to hear your sweet voice.  Then you'll sometimes ask to pray for Jude and Josie, and then for everyone else you can think of.  So we pray and pray and then say amen.

"I Love You, Lord"

I love you, Lord
And I lift my voice
To worship You
Oh, my soul, rejoice!

Take joy my King
In what You hear
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
In Your ear

Today we went to see midwife Sheila.  Afterwards we went to walk around the plaza.  We got you an adorable sweater at H&M and you LOVED the music they were playing and danced around the store making all the workers laugh and smile.  You are such a happy girl.  Then we went to Starbucks and Mommy got her free birthday drink, a Pumpkin Spice Latte.  We sat outside and watched a little bird while you had a snack and I drank my coffee.  It was a nice morning.

As always, you are very talkative and tell everyone you see about the things you love.  Lately that has been talking about the penguins jumping in water, the rino rolling in the mud, and the polar bear playing with his toy in the water.  (We had a very exciting day at the zoo a few weeks ago.)  You also love to talk about baby brother and your imaginary alligator.

We've been practicing letters a little bit and you have picked up on them really fast.  You can already identify a little more than half of the letters!  We have some yummy letter cookies that we practice with at night if you haven't had any accidents that day.  And of course we have tons of alphabet books that you love.

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