Monday, July 21, 2014

My baby is THREE.

It's been so long since I've had a chance to write.  What a crazy summer it's been.  Daddy and I were in Brooke and Ryan's wedding.  Quinn was in cousin Moo-moo's weddings.  And yesterday Quinn turned 3!!!  We had a huge party on Saturday.  Now I am busy thinking about what to pack for our vacation; we leave for Colorado this Saturday.

Dear Quinn,

You are 3!  Three years ago I held you in my arms for the first time.  It feels like you've always been mine.  I can barley remember a life without you.  In three years you have grown and changed and learned more then I could have ever imagined.  You've become a beautiful, spirited girl.  Full of energy, full of words, full of questions, full of singing, full of dance, full of imagination, full of love and cheer for everyone around you.

Here is your 3 year old birthday interview:

Who is your favorite person in the whole world?
Grandma Wendy!
What is your favorite color?
Purple. (I think it's actually pink.)
What's your favorite tv show?
Daniel Tiger!
What's your favorite think to eat?
Who is your best friend?
Which food do you not like very much?
Where is your favorite place to go?
The Zoo!
What do you want for your birthday?
What is your favorite animal?
What was your favoite part of your birthday party?
The water balloons!  I scared Daddy!

You are in a big girl bed now!  But you are still having trouble with wetting the bed at night, so we bought another box of "night-time underwear".  You start preschool in September!  You will go to Our Savior Lutheran two mornings a week.  I think it will be great for you and you will LOVE it.  I will be a bit sad because it means that it's the beginning of the end, meaning that it's the start of school and the start that leads to you being in school full time in just a couple of years.  It kills me to think of you in school and away from me for more hours of the day then you are with me.  It kills me to think of not knowing what every part of your day looked like and being right there with you for every experience, good and bad.  But I know that's part of your growing up.  You are not really mine to hold onto forever.  But you are God's.  And I will trust Him with you and His plan for you.  I pray that he would bless you and keep you, that His face would shine upon you and grant you peace, and that you would walk with Him all the days of your life.

I love you forever and for always,

Here you are at 8:25am on July 20th, 2014- exactly 3 years old.

"I smashed him!  I smashed the ant.  He's dead...  He's wiggling. Smoosh! Smoosh!  He's dead! It's dead! It's dead! I'm smooshing him with my finger! It's dead."

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