Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sawyer- 2 months!

At 2 months you are 12lbs. 11oz, which is 75th percentile and 23inches long, which is 50th percentile.  Dr. Moylan said everything looked good and he asked if you had tried to roll over yet (which doesn't usually happen until 4m) because you had "amazing trunk tone" or something like that.

It's so fascinating to me that your sister weighs 24lbs, and that was with clothes on, which is still putting her at less than 5th percentile and you are more than half of her weight already.  I'm so glad you are a chunky little monkey, eating and gaining well.  Grandma Kim says this was how your Aunt Paige and Uncle Mitchell were too.

You had to get your first round of shots which was terribly sad.  But your sister and I comforted you and now you are sleeping soundly by the fire.

You are an adorable little boy.  You are now much more alert when awake and you smile and make eye contact.  You've started to talk to us with coos and goos. 

Here's you at 2 months:

Quinn's hiding from Mom Paparazzi

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