Monday, June 24, 2013

God as Mother- Part 1

This month I've been a part of a JW Institue that meets on Thursday mornings when we usually have play group.  JW has provided childcare and let us moms have a glorious hour and a half to have discussion, reflection, relaxation, conversation, etc.  Jessi Marcus has been leading it and she is a wonderful pastor and teacher as always, as well as being a mom of three amazing kids.  These past three weeks have refreshed my soul.  I'm sad that we have just one class left but I hope to continue to chew on the scripture and the discussions we've had in my own space as well as continuing these conversations with other moms around me and with Jeff.  

The first week we talked about our pregnancy and birth stories.  We talked about Kenosis-  Christ pouring himself out for the Church and his people and then being filled back up by being in His Father's presence.  We try to pattern our lives after Christ- all day, all night, emptying ourselves...for our kids, our husbands, our friends, our family, our community.  I've continuously shared my physical body with my children for almost three years straight now-from pregnancy, to giving birth, to nursing 19 months, straight into finding out I was pregnant again- and I have at least another two years to go.  (Of course you could say that as moms we are always giving up our body, our strength, our love, our energy, our sleep, our patience, etc.)  And I can honestly say that I love it... most of the time.  It's truly the most amazing, worthwhile thing I've ever done.  But to step back and think about this amazing and worthwhile thing, this role of motherhood, this invaluable gift that we have been chosen for and that we give to our children and the world, and to think of how this is me patterning my life after Christ and pouring myself out, bc of love.  Well... it's just an amazing truth to be told, and we all need to be told and reminded of this.  Especially when all the guilt sets in for the ways we feel we've fallen short or when the world continues to whisper that what we do as moms is not valuable or worthwhile or amazing. 

Another very important thought:  That we can not give to our children what we do not have ourselves.  We need space to spend with our Father to be filled back up. 

Jessi also pointed out that Racham is the word for "womb" and Rachamim is the word for "God's love and compassion".  That's cool.

Phil 2:5-7
Isa 44:1-5
Isa 49:1-18
Isa 66:7-13
Psalm 139

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