Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Oh Quinn

Oh Quinn, you are becoming just like momma :)

You LOVE lotion and chap stick.  You know how to put chap stick on and blot your lips together and are obsessed with getting lotion anytime I use it.  In the mornings, when I put on my face lotion, you like to put some on your face too.  SO cute.  You also started pulling out the chair that covers the heater vent in the dining room and sitting on it while the heat is on which is something I always do because I hate being cold and I love sitting by the heater vent, even when I was a kid I would do that.  You are a sweet and funny girl, giving lots of hugs and kisses, but sometimes you get a little too excited and also bite, which your friends do not like, so we are working on that.

Earlier today we finally dug our way out of the snow and got out of the house.  We went to visit Jude.  You were so excited to see him.  You gave him so many hugs and kisses and he would just smile at you, so sweet.  You shared some Cheerios and did "Ring Around the Rosie" several times.  Then you jumped in the crib together and played.

You are 19 months old now.  You love blackberries, blueberries, grapefruit, bananas, peanut butter, cereal, and crackers.  You are very good at communicating- you ask for help, tell me what you want to eat, tell me if you want to go outside or downstairs, etc.  You are also getting good at following directions like bringing me shoes or a book or throwing a tissue in the trashcan.  You love Bosco and Ozark and LOVE to give them their treats each time we leave the house.  Yesterday you even got to fill up their food bowls.  Your fine motor skills are amazing when it comes to getting into things you want to explore.  You can unscrew (and sometimes re-screw on) tiny lotion bottle caps, open chap stick, and even unzip my makeup bag.

I love you sooooo much!  You will be a wonderful and loving big sister and teach that baby so much.

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