Monday, August 4, 2014

Sawyer & Quinn

Sawyer!  You now love to say Dadadadada... a day long.  :)  Especially if I try to get you to say Mama, you shake your head back and forth and say "Dadadadada!"  Haha!

You've become an expert roller.  You roll, then rotate/spin around to where you need to go, then take off rolling again.  I've seen you army crawl a tiny bit, so we will see if you start that or stick with the efficient rolling.

With your expert rolling and getting where you want to go comes trouble... like getting into the dog food and water bowls.  I have to be more careful with you now, making sure the gate at the top of the stairs stay shut and things I don't want in your mouth picked up.

Quinn! You just had your 3 year appt with Dr. Moylan. (insert pic)  You are doing great.  Still in the 5th %tile for height and weight.  Dr. Moylan asked you if you liked eating fruits and vegetables and yogurt to keep your body strong and healthy.  He said the bruises and bug bites on your legs were what he likes to see bc that means you play outside and get exercise instead of sitting in front of the tv all day.  He looked in your ears and mouth and eyes just like when we play Dr. Quinn at home.  He had you listen for the "little birdie" when he checked you out.  You actually seemed a little nervous when we got there but did a great job and you didn't have to get any shots.  I talked with him about your potty accidents and wearing pull ups at night- normal, normal.  I asked what I could do about you being sneaky and getting into things and he said you are just a three year old and to keep doing what I'm doing.  

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