Saturday, March 1, 2014

Dear Quinn

Dear Quinn,

You are such an incredible little person.

You love to sing and dance.  You make up songs and sing silly words and gibberish.  You sing about everything just like Mommy and Daddy do.  Sometimes in the car you say "No don't get out the car yet Mommy, I listening to music."

You've starting sleeping with billion of stuffed animals and dolls tucked in around you.

"Daddy you want to share with me?" as Daddy is walking by before dinner.

"Mommy you share with me? We sharing!  Thank you for sharing with me!  Good job.  I proud of you."

"I sneak cookies and I sneak chocolate.  Mommy throw them away."

We went to Spin Pizza one night and you watched the man throw the dough up into the air.  Later after we sat down at our table, you asked to see "the guy with the yellow hat throwing the pizza dough".  You have an awesome memory.

When we were driving out of Springfield to come back home you were looking out the window and saw the letter "S" on a billboard.  You said "Look!  I see an S for baby Sawyer!"  Then we had a 20 minute conversation about all the letters we saw on signs and what all of our friends and family members' names started with.  You love to ask questions about what things are called or what letter words start with.  I love it!

You love to help.  You help me cook.  You help me do laundry.  You help me match socks and sort clothes.  You help me clean your room, put away books, change Sawyer's diapers... 
One day I was nursing Sawyer in the living room and with my verbal instructions you were able to take an empty basket of clothes into the laundry room, open the dryer, fill the basket with the dry clothes, push it back into the living room, and sort the clothes into piles by if they were your shirt, pants, PJs, or baby Sawyer's clothes.  You prefer to help me around the house rather then play with your toys. 

You still have a great and growing imagination.  Your favorite things to play with are with your kitchen pretending to make us food, with your baby dolls, and just talking about your imaginary alligator, hippo, rhino, and mouse.  Your favorite books right now, that you ask for and will look for on the shelf, are Jamberry and The Mitten.

I love you, love you, love you!

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