Thursday, November 7, 2013

Quinn- Things to remember

Quinn, things I don't want to forget:

You and daddy shooting hoops. Well, daddy shooting hoops with a soccer ball and your little tykes basketball hoop outside and you cheering him on and saying "wow daddy!" Or "try again daddy!" Or good job daddy!" While clapping for him. Or "throw it high daddy!  Daddy crazy!"

You love to help daddy pick up dog poop. You say to him "I pick poop with you?"  And then you follow him around the yard and help find the poop.

The other day I asked you at lunch if a grape had fallen into your bib and you looked and said "no, just crumbs."

I used to call daddy's soda "daddy's poison" bc I like to tease daddy about how unhealthy it is to drink so much soda.  So you picked up on this and started asking if you could have some of daddy's poison. Then you started to walk around with cups from your play kitchen and tell us that it was "Quinn's poison" and say "I like poison!"  Whoops :)

You like to get out the fly swatter if you see a fly and say "shoo fly don't bother you".

When uncle Mitchell asks you what a timber wolf says you say: "Timber wolf says Ahwoooooooo!"

When baby brother nurses you say "Baby Sawyer eat Mommy's boobs."  Lol. Now you love to get the Boppy pillow and nurse your babies. It is very sweet.

The first week home from the hospital with baby Sawyer, daddy was home from work to help. He mainly took care of you while I focused on resting and feeding Sawyer.  I really missed you that week but it was amazing for you to get that time with daddy.  It was really good for you and him and also for me to give up control and see what an amazing father you have.  I've grown so used to being in total control of how we take care of you that it was really good for me to let daddy lead and see that I could trust him in that role.  You loved every minute of daddy time (except for an increase in tantrums).  He took you to the zoo and to union station and crown center. You had a lot of fun and didn't seem to miss me much at all.  And then when we went somewhere as a family and daddy was out of sight you would ask "where's daddy?" over and over. :)

One night I was sitting in my room with Sawyer and listening to daddy put you to sleep. He started singing you "to sleep" with Christmas songs in this amazing Bing Crosby voice. You were both giggling incessantly. My heart felt so full.

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