Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013, 17 months

You are obsessed with BUBBLES lately.  You sit down on the floor by the kitchen sink, point up to the window sill where the bubbles are and yell "BUBBLES!!"  Then you eat half the bubble solution while putting the wand to your lips to blow the bubbles.  It's adorable and we are working on hold the wand out from your mouth a bit.  You are also obsessed with eating ice and say "ice! ice! ice!" if you see it in a glass.  At Great Grandma's house she has a fridge with the freezer on the bottom and you would go right over to it and stand there asking for it.  When we give you an ice cube and you say "brrrr" but keep holding and eating it.

You love to say "brrrrrr" when you or something is cold and say "hot, hot" and use the sign for hot when something is hot.  If I wash your hands and the water is too hot or cold you tell me.  If your food is even warm you say hot and sometimes blow on it like you've seen us do.  You say "coffee, hot" when you see us drinking our coffee.  You know "peanut butter" and "milk", "Santa" and "baby Jesus"- and when you see a Santa now you also say "HO HO HO".  You love to ask for "gra-no-la" and "cereal" and "crackers" and "cheese".  When we went to the grocery store yesterday you were pointing and naming so many things.  Mainly those last three listed above.  You even tried to rip open the box of Cheerios I had in the cart.  You know many more words as well and love to repeat everything.  

When I make us smoothies we do a "smoothie dance".  Even if you're in the other room, when you hear the blender start up you run into the kitchen yelling "smoothie!" and start to dance.  Tonight once the blender was done you said "smoothie, please" and signed please (rubbing your hand in a circle on your chest).  Then I said "wait just a minute" and you patted your chest and said "patient".  When I gave you your smoothie (in your big purple straw cup) you actually said "thank you" (sounds like "me maw" for some reason) totally unprompted!  Speaking of "patient" we've been working on a new song that we learned from Bree and Josie that helps you to be patient.  It goes like this:
Be patient, be patient
Don't be in such a hurry.
Cause when you're impatient
You only start to worry.
Remember, remember
That God is patient too.
And think of all the times when others have to wait on you!

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