Thursday, October 23, 2014

Dear Quinn,

So many moments and quotes that have already slipped my mind.  But they all bring joy to my heart.  Here are a few things that you've said or done.

You can now count to ten in Spanish with almost no help.  I started teaching you uno, dos, tres and then you asked to hear the rest and asked me to count in Spanish when I did your "egg cracks" before each nap. You picked it up so quickly. I'm excited about the possibility of sending you to the French immersion charter school. 

You have quickly memorized the book "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" with all the sound effects. You recite it with such expression and excitement. It is engaging and delightful for anyone listening.  You've impressed all of your grandparents.

"When I get married to a boy, I will sing to the boy.  I want to get married to Jude."  Why? "Because Jude and Quinn love each othies.  Jude loves me, when we get married we can dance."

Any time you pick a flower you give it to me or daddy and say "we are getting married, here is a flower!"

"Can I have a zip! Just a little zip!" Trying to get a drink of our soda, wine, beer...anything you are not supposed to have.

For the longest time you would randomly sing something about "feel the pain" and I finally figured out you were singing "Hey Jude": "And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain. Don't carry the world upon your shoulders"

Sometimes you combine several songs into one long, loud melody of your own.  Recently it's been a mix of "Let it go" from Frozen, "Hey Jude", and "I love you Lord".  You also LOVE musical instruments.  You know several of them by name.  I love to pretend to play drums, guitar, and violin.  Lately you talk about tubas a lot, it used to be trumpets.  Several weeks ago we were going on a walk and someone was practicing playing trumpet in their house and we could hear the music and you said "Hey!  That's a trumpet."

Along time ago when you watched Ice Age with Grandma she said when they fall off the cliff you shouted "WHAT IS HAPPENING!" So that has been a running inside joking around the family to say about things that are surprising. 

We painted a cut out butterfly picture for someone as a thank you and the next day I found it ripped into several pieces and when I asked you why and what had happened you said "I was giving Daddy communion."  :)

On the way to church: "I like church! I like preschool! I like BSF! And I REALLY like Costco! Costco is my best friend. But Costco is not Jude, it's like Josie."

In the car-
Me: Quinn! Quit biting your toe nails! That's so gross!
Quinn: Nooooo! I want to bite them! They are mine!

"Mommy! Look! I have nipples!" - Quinn pointing to some mosquito bites on her leg.

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