Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dear S and Q

Dear Sawyer,

You are 5 months old!  You are such a happy boy.  I love your growing personality.  You love to roll (first roll on March 2nd and I caught it on video, thank you iPhone).  You love to growl and smile and put things in your mouth.  You love to chew on our fingers and cuddle and observe what's going on around you.  You still won't nap in your crib but you have started sleeping there at night.  I've been starting you there, feeding you in the middle of the night when you wake up (bw2 or 3am usually) and then I change you and swaddle you and you go right back to sleep in your crib.  Then when you wake up in the morning I put you in the bed with me until Quinn wakes up, so we still get to snuggle.  It's only been about a week of this new routine but you've done pretty well with it the last few days and we are both getting better sleep.  Now for those naps...

Dear Quinn,

You are almost 32 months old!  You are a joy.  You are so smart and creative.  Your vocabulary continues to amazing us.  You light up your Daddy's face like no one else in the world could.  You have so much fun together.

Here's a funny quote:

From outside the bathroom door,
Q: Mama you going potty?
Me: Yeah baby, can I have some privacy please?
Q: Ummmmm, no thank you. you barge into the bathroom.

At least you're polite about it now. :)

Bc I rarely have time to keep up with this blog I have decided to post some FB post from this past month:

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