Saturday, March 9, 2013

Is it time for Spring?!?!

I've been wanting to blog but have been nauseous and sick with a cold on top of that.  With all the snow and being stuck inside with a ball of energy and having absolutely NO ENERGY myself, I've been a bit miserable.  BUT the weather is getting warmer and I can see the light of Spring at the end of the tunnel.  Also my nausea has decreased quiet a bit and most days I'm not taking any of the meds for it, so that is good.  Our first midwife appointment is Monday and I'm starting to get excited.  It still doesn't feel real.  We threw a baby shower for Bree and Kate this morning and had all the girls from our Corpus Group over.  It turned out really great and was yummy with good fellowship.  It felt good to host a fun little brunch and bless Bree and Kate.  Their babies will be here with in the month and it will be a blessing to watch our Corpus family grow.

Last weekend we were sitting on the heater vent and I was sharing the raisins for my Raisin Bran with you and, completely on your own, you said "I love you" and gave me a hug!  I nearly cried, it was so sweet.  You also noticed that Daddy had a "boo boo" on his hand and all weekend would say "boo boo" and then kiss it to make it feel better.  What a sweet girl you are.  You really seemed concerned for his boo boo.

Sunday, before church, you went poop on your potty for the first time!  I was super excited.  You've peed on the potty a handful of times too.  We are taking it slow and getting you used to the potty but not starting hardcore potty training yet.  I did order you some adorable training underwear.  I had to order some online because it was so hard to find any in your tiny size.

At the end of church last weekend parents got their kids early for family communion and when we came back to our seats up in the balcony you and Josie danced and spun around to the last worship song.  It was so sweet and I know it must have made God's heart so glad to see His little girls worshiping Him in pure delight.

Here's when we told Mema and Ppa that you were going to be a big sister! 

Here you are kissing your baby goodnight . . . in the potty... hmmmm, maybe you don't quite get it yet. :)

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