Hello my best girl,
Each time I put you to sleep I pray over you. It's usually one or both of these prayers:
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace."
"God made you. God loves you. God blesses you. And God is with you."
The last one is the blessing the say over each child in the Loft on Sundays at JW. Then I kiss you goodnight and I tell you I love you and that you are my best girl. Your eyes light up and you get a big smile on your face. Sometimes you say "Momma you are
my best girl."
O my child, give me your heart. May your eyes take delight in following my ways.
Proverbs 23:26
Sister, you are my sweet, sassy, beautiful, intelligent, curious, imaginative, loving girl. It February and we are still listening to the Harry Connick Jr. Christmas CD because you (and Sawyer) are obsessed with "Drummer Boy" and "Toy Soldiers". You know most of the words now, and belt them out, and EVERY SINGLE TIME you say "here comes the crazy trumpet!" You say, "Momma you know why I always like to listen to "Toy Soldiers" every day?" "Why Quinn?" "Because I like the crazy instruments! The crazy trumpet! Hahahah!" And we talk about all the instruments we hear and you sing some words wrong and I don't correct you, like "soldiers are blinking, soldiers are winking, at each pretty little man-ger" (instead of "maid").
You've started drawing people! You've always been much more interested in writing your name or other words like, Mommy, Grandma, etc. But a couple weeks ago, and all on your own, you drew a very detailed Mommy, Daddy and Baby. You named each body part as you were drawing it. I was so proud of you! You have been really into making "cards" for people. You color or stamp or put stickers all over a paper or card and then you want an envelope and you like to fold the paper and stick it in the envelope (this is sometimes frustrating) and lick the envelope and use stickers to keep it closed. You always tell me who they are for, usually Josie or Jude, or Otto, or Caleb or Abby, or Jayden (we mailed that one), or for Daddy or Grandma or for me. You are a sweet friend. You always ask if you got any mail and love getting the occasional card or package. When someone gives or send you something you say "Oooooh! That's so sweet of them! That's so sweet of them!"
When I was sick with a cold you prayed for me and said "God please help Mommy to feel better."
You always refer to Daddy as "My Dad" when you are talking to him. "My Dad, can I have some milk?" It's very sweet.
You are in ballet class at the KC Ballet Bolender Center! Mark and Dave got you two months of classes for Christmas. It. Is. The. Cutest. Thing. I've. Ever. Seen. And you love it. I stand at the door made of two-way glass and watch you. You seem to be following your teacher's directions and watching intently. Sometimes I can tell when you start to drift off and stare blankly into space, or get distracted by one of the girls who acts up. And sometimes I see you chewing on your toenails. Yuck! You have quite the bad habit of nail biting. But when you are dancing, it is so precious. I hold these things close to my heart. It makes me think of Luke 2:19 "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." or another translation: "Mary kept all these things to herself, holding them dear, deep within herself."

A while back you were laying next to me, kissing me all over and holding my hand and you said, "Someday, when I'm bigger, and Jude is bigger, we can get married like you and Daddy are married. Do you want to come to my wedding?"
Saturday during the rainy day:
Q-"why is the sun not out and the sky is dark"
Me- "well because the clouds are covering the sun. And all of those
clouds are dark and full of... (Giving you wait time to say "rain")
Q- "Mischief!?"
(I was then corrected by Daddy that the clouds were actually covering the earth, not the sun.)
From November:
It finally happened. I dragged Quinn out of bed when I found this
She looked at me with wide eyes and said "momma, why did you
color on the wall?" Then I buried my face into the bed to hide my
laughter and Jeff told her I was crying.