Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sawyer- 9 months

Sawyer at 9 months you love balls, bubbles, balloons, blueberries, and baths.  You love to turn the pages of the books that we read, sometimes so forcefully that I end up with paper cuts.  Ouch!  You are not crawling but instead you roll to where you want to go.  You also love kicking, smiling, giggling, and screeching to imitate your big sister.  Dr. Moylan says you may not crawl if rolling gets you to where you want to go.  You are about 75th %tile in weight and height and weigh 20lbs, 13oz.

Monday, July 21, 2014

May photos

Sheesh, time has gotten away from me.  This summer has been crazy.
So.... May pictures:

Lorikeet feeding at the Zoo!  Quinn got a little scared.  I LOVED it, as did Sawyer.

We ran into some "Bubble soccer" on our walk by the Nelson.

You tiny thing, I love that your clothes and swimsuits from last summer still fit this summer!

Yummmmmmmmy spaghetti!

Don't worry, those are not ants, just eating a kiwi...

Sawyer is now 20 lbs and Quinn is 24 lbs.  We had to check so I could explain to Quinn why she couldn't pick up her brother.  Ummmm... sister, he almost weighs more than you!

Dancing at FOTZ night

Moon Jellys

Dancing at a summer BBQ at the Courtney's house

Some early spelling lessons :p

                                        "Braiding" Aunt Paige's hair after she braided Quinn's.

"I'm going on a trip."

the little bible teacher

Fun in the Sun

Sweet Tiger Tat

Mommy forgot to buckle you and you slid right out.

Mother's Day cards for our Grandmas!

My Mother's Day



a flower from church!

"how we are doing baths this summer"

your pal Kannon!

"Reading" Mommy's bible

oat's bin fun

Our first lettuce and kale harvest!!

Grandma Great, you are the cutest, without a doubt.

Yummy pork and pineapple kabobs and fresh bread.

Our new sandbox!  Just like the one Mommy had growing up.

You are so good with Bosco.  
It's only taken 3 years for him to warm up to you and tentatively let you pet him.  Ha!

Some yummy and healthy "breakfast cookies".

Our little garden is growing!

You were so excited when I told you that the tomato plants would someday grow to be taller then you!

You decided that you wanted to sleep naked and stripped all of your clothes off.