Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sawyer's dedication!

You were dedicated at Jacob's Well on May 4th, 2014.

Mommy, Daddy, and Quinn, along with the rest of our family and friends and church community prayed over you:

Dear Heavenly Father,
Together, we pray the Sawyer's mind will know your wisdom.  His eyes will see Your glory.  His ears will hear Your words.  His mouth will speak Your truth.  His heart will be Jesus' home.  His hands will do Your work.  That his knees would bow only before You, the Lord Our God.  And that his feet would follow You in the way of Jesus all the days of his Life.  Amen.

Baptism and dedication are rites of passage that symbolize our covenant belonging in the body of Christ.  These rite are our means of saying that God created us, pursues us and restores us to the image of Christ.  Because it is a realization of God's work on our behalf, Jacobo's Well stands with the tradition of baptizing only once.  God's covenant does not fade no matter what we do; we are simply called to live into that covenant through repentance and faith.

Sawyer, we choose to have you dedicated so that you could choose to make the outward sign of baptism when you are older, just as John the Baptist baptized Jews as an invitation to repentance and faith.  Jesus, though sinless, is also baptized by John and Baptist.

Matthew 3:13-17
The Baptism of Jesus
13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. 14 But John tried to deter him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?”
15 Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented.
16 As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

Friday, May 2, 2014

Pics from April!

Here we go:

Stills from a video of dancing and running to the worship music at church with Josie.

 Sawyer helps by opening the seed packet with his teeth.

Colored rice play!

Zoo Trip #784

 my beautiful girl

Mommy and Sawyer take a train ride to St. Louis to see the fam and for Mommy to see "Once" at the Fox with Aunt Chrissy!

Sawyer and Great-Grandma!
 Sawyer and cousin Ari get to play together!

Messy Easter Egg Dying

 Bestest Friends

 I love it when kids dress themselves :)

My favorite things about Spring: warm weather, long walks, tulips.

 The following pictures are of us apparently torturing Quinn to try to get her to stop playing for 5 seconds and take a family picture...

The KC Zoo.  Quinn trip #787  Aunt Chrissy trip #1

Thank you big sister...

 Grandma Wendy is the best and continued to re-hide the Easter eggs all evening for Quinn to find.

Easter morning, princess dress from Great-Grandma Sappington.  Aaaaand the beer stein necklace courtesy of Grandma Kim, who claimed that she didn't actually know that was a beer stein when she gave Q the necklace for St. Patrick's Day. :)
 Re-telling us the story of Easter.

This was a freak thing that NEVER happens and ruined our naps for the day. :(

Blowing bubbles in a dress the Aunt Chrissy and I wore when we were toddlers.

 Q's first outing alone with Uncle Mark and Uncle Dave... see what happens :p
That's lip-gloss.

Dancing at Troostfest on her own personal stage.  
This was amazing and went on for a good 25 minutes without a care in the world.

waiting patiently for donuts

 Picnic lunch on the porch while it thunder stormed.  My favorite Sunday afternoon this month.  Quinn kept saying "STOP RAIN!"

Sawyer stole Quinn's PB toast.  Cross that off the allergy list...

First bath together!  Sawyer's in Quinn's doll pack n' play.