Well February has been a crazy month. I had an appendectomy three weeks ago. It all happened so fast- the pain, then a hesitant trip to the ER, then I was scheduled for surgery. I was hardly thinking about having my first ever surgery, I was focused on how we would take care of the kids and mainly how I would nurse Sawyer and pump to keep up my milk supply when I couldn't nurse him. The surgery went well although my hospital stay was pretty miserable bw having two serious allergic reactions to medication, an extremely painful IV in my dominant arm, and not being able to eat or drink water until after the surgery. Luckily we had enough breast milk in the freezer to get Sawyer through the two days I was in the hospital and I was able to pump during my stay. After I got home I was not supposed to lift more then 10 lbs for 2 weeks. Seeing as Sawyer is 16.5 lbs, this was going to be tough. So Kim stayed with me for the week, then Dad and Wendy came to help, then I went to Springfield for the next week. I was so glad for the help, I don't know what we would have done without our families. And our awesome friends set up a Mealbaby calendar for us so we had dinner brought to us every night. I feel so blessed to have such a great community. BUT I am sooooo glad to be back home getting back into our routine. Even so, this week has been rough. Sawyer had his four month appointment on Monday and got shots which has made him fussy and have a fever on and off for the last day and a half. He has not been sleeping well at night. Quinn's had several accidents and been testing boundaries.
Sawyer's appointment went well. He jumped several curves. He is
91st% for length and 70th% for weight. My chunky monkey :) He is the
sweetest boy and such a snuggler. I'm not sure how I will get him to
start sleeping in his own room and take naps on his own. I plan to
start taking this on once we get settled back into our routine. On
February 9th Sawyer laughed for the first time, the winner was Grandpa
Ben. :)
On the up side, Quinn has been very sweet
about my surgery. She talks about them all the time. She says things
like: "Mommy has surgeries. I make you feel better Mommy. They cut it
out. Your appendix." She always asks to see them. Then she likes to
pretend that she has surgeries too.