You are growing so fast, we are at 16 weeks already! I can't believe that in two weeks we find out if you are a little boy or a little girl. Shelia (our midwife) still thinks you are a girl since your heart rate is high. I guess we will find out soon enough! I love you so much and can't wait to meet you, but we have a lot to do to get ready for your arrival, so I'm am also glad that you have several more months to grow.
At church yesterday we sang Sufjan Stevens Vito's Ordination song. I love this song and am thinking about writing the lyrics on your nursery wall... either that or something by the Beatles :).
I always knew you
In your mother's arms
I have called your name
I have an idea
Placed in your mind
To be a better man
I've made a crown for you
Put it in your room
And when the bridegroom comes
There will be noise
There will be glad
And a perfect bed
And when you write a poem
I know the words
I know the sounds
Before you write it down
When you wear your clothes
I wear them too
I wear your shoes
And your jacket too
I always knew you
In your mothers arms
I have called you son
I've made amends
Between father and son
Or, if you haven't one
Rest in my arms
Sleep in my bed
There is a design
To what I did and said